Title: fresh air AIRE FRESCO
created on 11 Sep 10

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Comments on this picture (6):
1. mdawrcn wrote:
 There is nothing like it!
2. Lizzi wrote:
 I am really enjoying it, too. The sweltering heat just kills me. Ilike your picture. It's an eye and you are the pupil.
3. 56rosie wrote:
 Wow Polenta...this reminds me of the poor men in Chili still in the mine underground. This would be a dream of theirs! Wonderful Pic!
4. danila wrote:
 Great Pic. and agree with 56 Rosie!!!!
5. polenta wrote:
 I also agree with 56rosie and the miners. What an ordeal!!!!!!
6. marky wrote:
 very good perspective on this one polenta.from the lens.like it.