Title: geometry
created on 01 Sep 10

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Comments on this picture (14):
1. suzze wrote:
 Really draws you in, very good!
2. mdawrcn wrote:
 Great pattern!
3. Janb wrote:
 Its a long corridor. Great depth and play back.
4. karbs wrote:
 Nice job, agree with suzze this does draw you in!
5. indigo wrote:
 Well done polenta! Love it!
6. 56rosie wrote:
 Clean lines. Very Nice
7. mekeys wrote:
 I get dizzy looking at this one..Great pattern..
8. Hazer wrote:
 It does really draw you in...you are so good at these geometric designs!
9. Normal wrote:
 And tricky optics!!
10. Lizzi wrote:
 I tried to make it push out towards me but your clever lines bind it together too well. You are the Line Queen.
11. Angela wrote:
 Ditto Lizzi! I don't know how you do it - always amazing.
12. danila wrote:
13. pollyesther wrote:
 immediately caught my eye too, great work!
14. Login wrote:
 Your designs become more and more intriguing, polenta.