Title: Gothic Design
created on 30 Aug 10

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Comments on this picture (8):
1. mekeys wrote:
 None of the white specks were there until after I submmited the picture..
2. polenta wrote:
 .... by a Gothic expert!
3. mekeys wrote:
 Thanks polenta..
4. hjjr wrote:
 very cool goth. . .
5. mekeys wrote:
 Thanks hjjr..
6. indigo wrote:
 Pretty! I know what you mean about the white specks...everything looks good till you submit it, it's frustrating after all that work! Happens sometimes when I do borders...
7. mekeys wrote:
 Thanks for yor reply indigo,also seems to happen when you keep piling on too many pieces..
8. Login wrote:
 A pattern has to be good to make me even notice it ... nice one, mel.