Title: Been feeling a little 'wound up lately'
created on 28 Aug 10

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Comments on this picture (9):
1. gair wrote:
 Your artwork is so charming!!!
2. indigo wrote:
 LOL! Love it! ;]
3. Burgandy wrote:
 love this one!
4. methinks wrote:
 This is great! I love your title--thank you for the smile to help us all unwind a little.
5. 56rosie wrote:
 AHH, Thanks guys finally a day off today . Time to UNWIND! yeaaaaah
6. Angela wrote:
 It's soooo cute.
7. lalitha wrote:
 so cute and yummy looks like whip cream on a yummy milkshake
8. gimzer wrote:
9. chelydra wrote:
 a gem