Title: Meet the BEADLES!!!!
created on 25 Aug 10

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Comments on this picture (7):
1. ShannonLee wrote:
 Awesome!!! I absolutly love it <3 : )
2. mrozowski wrote:
 ROFL. Really needed this chuckle.
3. alanator wrote:
 Runners up on free credit score.com band search.Meet Pearl on guitar,Jade on bass,Shelley on vocals and Voodoo on drums.Look for their cd,"Quit stringing me along"with the hit"Dont call me rosary,cause I ain't that kinda bead".
4. 56rosie wrote:
 LOL....love how you are having fun with TD Alanator!
5. mdawrcn wrote:
 Very creative.
6. Heidi2323 wrote:
 Love the pic and play on words.
7. hjjr wrote:
 this looks more like it's from a Hard Day's Slice