Title: Vive la musique!
created on 25 Aug 10

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Comments on this picture (15):
1. karbs wrote:
 Love it!
2. kyung wrote:
 Pretty color piano keys!! Love your unique idea again :O)
3. hjjr wrote:
 love this pic. . .
4. sheftali52 wrote:
 bright and beautiful!
5. indigo wrote:
 YES! YES! Pretty and clever pic!
6. pinkie wrote:
 Like the rainbow colour along with the'written'music-good idea!
7. Normal wrote:
 Like a kiddie "piano." I can hear the plink, plink!
8. Lizzi wrote:
 I like your rainbow, very clever idea, showing that sound is colour, and colour is sound. I, myself, have never 'seen' sound but I would like to. Very good picture!
9. mdawrcn wrote:
 This is great!
10. mrozowski wrote:
 Really like this pic, Polenta.
11. marg wrote:
 .. another excellent pic, polenta - you are just SOOoo talented !
12. golehto wrote:
 love it :)
13. gimzer wrote:
 beautiful and fun!
14. puzzler wrote:
 Brings back memories of children's xylophones!
15. Login wrote:
 How did I miss this little treasure.