Title: What's behind the door?
created on 24 Aug 10

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Comments on this picture (11):
1. Lizzi wrote:
 I knew this was you the instant I saw it. Great design!
2. mdawrcn wrote:
 I like it too.
3. mrozowski wrote:
 Mike Wazowski! Nice door.
4. sheftali52 wrote:
5. mekeys wrote:
 ..Ditto..Now you will have to do one with the door open..
6. pinkie wrote:
 Interesting idea!
7. hjjr wrote:
 you know how clever you are, polenta!
8. indigo wrote:
 Pizza delivery guy? :) Nice door!
9. 56rosie wrote:
 Is it 1970's Saturday Night Live 'candy gram'? LOL perhaps the Avon lady? hmm.. Maybe give us a hint and open the door just ajar?Now you have our curiosity!
10. 56rosie wrote:
 OMG! Tell me it's NOT the Viking woman coming over to borrow a cup of sugar! LOL
11. Normal wrote:
 Well crafted door! Rosie will be lucky if she's just borrowing sugar. I suspect she'll be warming up for her Valkyrie aria!