Title: The crowd LA MULTITUD
created on 23 Aug 10

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Comments on this picture (17):
1. mrozowski wrote:
 So many wonderful faces!
2. mekeys wrote:
3. hanging wrote:
 Very nice!
4. 56rosie wrote:
 And this crowd has gathered for???..LOL Impressive how many faces and expressions were you were able to accomplish in one pic. Good Work!
5. clorophilla wrote:
 It seems to me the metro at 8.00' !
6. Login wrote:
 Oooo ... so many faces in a crowd. Well done.
7. stevedover1965 wrote:
 Good picture polenta
8. pinkie wrote:
 Good idea and very well done!
9. kyung wrote:
10. mdawrcn wrote:
 This is great. Love the expressions.
11. karbs wrote:
 Love this! Where's Waldo? lol
12. hjjr wrote:
 nice pic, polenta
13. indigo wrote:
 Clever and well done!
14. polenta wrote:
 thanks everybody and who's Waldo?
15. LivelyUp wrote:
 Great pic! [Waldo is a character in a children's book that always blends into the crowd. The game is to find him - he wears a striped shirt.]
16. Ilikecolor wrote:
 Fun crowd picture!
17. gair wrote:
 Very interesting!!!!