Title: "Lovely Peach Tree"
created on 23 Aug 10

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Comments on this picture (9):
1. polenta wrote:
 pretty tree
2. polenta wrote:
 Paint the name of the pic you want to submit on top of the page just by clicking on it. Then right-click on it and choose COPY.Then minimize the page and go to the forum to the page you want to go and when you are where you want to insert the pic, go to E
3. polenta wrote:
 EDIT OR EDITION and choose PASTE. I hope it works for you
4. mdawrcn wrote:
 Very nice!
5. Normal wrote:
 Makes me salivate! Nice if you can eat on straight from the tree!
6. 56rosie wrote:
 Normal: These peaches might be a little 'crunch' ouch! lol
7. 56rosie wrote:
 Polenta: Thank you so much for submission instructions!
8. suzze wrote:
 Beautiful tree, made me hungry!
9. danila wrote:
 very nice indeed..