Title: Autumn Hat and Scarf
created on 22 Aug 10

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Comments on this picture (11):
1. Roxas wrote:
 soooooooooooooo LOVELY
2. mdawrcn wrote:
 I agree.
3. karbs wrote:
 nice one rosie!
4. hanging wrote:
 Warm and elegant. Very good rosie!
5. Lizzi wrote:
 Looks like you've been knitting all night! Pretty.
6. Angela wrote:
 ditto all - Love It
7. polenta wrote:
 very pretty
8. pinkie wrote:
 The cosy looking scarf frames the pretty face nicely. Attractive hat!
9. 56rosie wrote:
 Thank you all so much! Love those matching hat and scarves for fall season!
10. Normal wrote:
 Wow! Lovely candy lady.
11. indigo wrote:
 VERY nice!