Title: deadly pleasure PLACER MORTAL
created on 20 Aug 10

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Comments on this picture (13):
1. alanator wrote:
 Smoke 'em if ya got 'em!!cool pic.you have some nice work.
2. hanging wrote:
 It's okay polenta. Be positive when you do!
3. kyung wrote:
 Nice depiction again!
4. lilalee wrote:
 your 'smokin'!!
5. arasi_srirangam wrote:
 Good Work!
6. 56rosie wrote:
 Nice work on hand! good subject, even better title! lol
7. Roxas wrote:
8. polenta wrote:
 I forgot to tell you I DON'T SMOKE.
9. ferretkiss wrote:
 I quit a couple of years ago. But really loved smoking. haha.
10. Normal wrote:
 Just lost one of two friends who share my birthday to this. We've had moms in hospitals connected to breathing oxygen beggin for a cigarette that would also blow them up. Deadly ADDICTION. (Yes, I quit.)
11. danila wrote:
12. Riku wrote:
13. indigo wrote:
 Very well done! Lost my father to lung cancer, lost my mother-in-law to emphysema, it prematurely wrinkles you, gives bad skin color...stinks(smokers can't smell it) up skin,clothes. I'm 16 years FREE...but I don't want to preach....