Title: Uruguayan asado: all invited!
created on 18 Aug 10

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Comments on this picture (9):
1. kyung wrote:
 Nice! BTW what is asado?
2. polenta wrote:
 like a barbecue I guess but only wood to make the fire.
3. Normal wrote:
 Sounds good! Be right down.
4. Lizzi wrote:
 Thankyou, gracias, I'm coming right away. I love charcoal BBQ and it looks so pleasant there.
5. pinkie wrote:
 Looks interesting. Have you a special type of wood that is used?
6. polenta wrote:
 I suppose there is a special wood but making asado is for men so I don't know. Charcoal is out of the question!!!MEAT, MEAT, MEAT!!!
7. indigo wrote:
 Good depiction polenta! I just googled asado and that is a lot of meat! Looks delicious! I don't eat a lot of meat but to try it once would be nice....I'll be right over ;]
8. danila wrote:
9. mekeys wrote: