Title: the princess LA PRINCESA
created on 18 Aug 10

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Comments on this picture (14):
1. kyung wrote:
 Pretty princess! Why is she sad ?
2. mdawrcn wrote:
 Very expressive.
3. clorophilla wrote:
 Yes; i too wonder why is she so serious...
4. Normal wrote:
 Nice use of background - and lovely Renaissance (?) princess.
5. Login wrote:
 A stunning picture and a fabulous dress ... you've captured the era.
6. indigo wrote:
 Stunning is right! Ditto on the background use!
7. Hazer wrote:
 Excellent polenta! I love how you've used the background and the black wall behind her adds to the feeling of her oppression.
8. hjjr wrote:
 ditto Login
9. suzze wrote:
 Wonderful, love that vintage dress.
10. karbs wrote:
11. arty wrote:
 Wonderful drawing.
12. Shanley wrote:
 very nice portrait
13. gair wrote:
 Beautifully done.
14. karbs wrote:
 This is so good!!!