Title: "Textured Spiral"
created on 16 Aug 10

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Comments on this picture (12):
1. Login wrote:
 I like this and a lot of work has gone into it.
2. MusicJo wrote:
3. polenta wrote:
 so good!
4. Lizzi wrote:
 Beautiful spiral!!!!
5. high wrote:
6. katpedro wrote:
 Very impressive
7. Angela wrote:
8. Angela wrote:
 #5 is messing up your page.
9. 56rosie wrote:
 HMM...yeah kinda wondered why the page got distorted...but, it's all good
10. GingerNinja wrote:
 Really cool!
11. kicker wrote:
 Great spiral.
12. Login wrote:
 Mmm, lots of work and a good result.