Title: Last one tonight
created on 14 Aug 10

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Comments on this picture (11):
1. mekeys wrote:
 Playback sure makes it look easy..Those white specks were not there when I submitted it..
2. Normal wrote:
 No, playback shows what painstaking work you do to make something new again. Very nice! (Just noticed your new coffee cup I.D.!)
3. mum23 wrote:
 Beautiful! This is a very different effect using gothic! ... yes, those white spots do sneak in, don't they?
4. hjjr wrote:
 this is beautiful, Mel.
5. mekeys wrote:
 Thanks for all your comments..
6. sheftali52 wrote:
 This is eye-catching!!
7. mekeys wrote:
 Thanks for your comment sheftali52..
8. Burgandy wrote:
 I love this one! What a lot of work:)
9. indigo wrote:
 NICE! ;]
10. Login wrote:
 I like it ... and didn't notice the white specs.
11. mekeys wrote:
 Thanks Login..