Title: GotHic DEsigN (who me ?)
created on 12 Aug 10

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Comments on this picture (10):
1. indigo wrote:
 This glows! You can feel the energy!
2. mekeys wrote:
 Thanks indigo..
3. hjjr wrote:
 yes, you and gothic design are well acquainted. . .
4. mekeys wrote:
 Thanks hjjr..
5. danila wrote:
 oh Yes..you..great pic.Mekeys
6. mekeys wrote:
 Thanks danila..
7. Angela wrote:
 Looks like true gothic design, not ones with clean edges! Nice.
8. mekeys wrote:
 Thanks Angela..
9. mum23 wrote:
 Indigo's right - it does glow! ... your title made me laugh!! I don't always comment, but I love your gothic designs!
10. mekeys wrote:
 Thanks for your comment mum23..Who me mixed up nah..