Title: what am i thinking of..? (compitition)
created on 10 Aug 10

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Comments on this picture (11):
1. lipstick8610 wrote:
 so what you do is guess what i'm thinking of and the winner will get a prize!!
2. pingutux123 wrote:
3. lipstick8610 wrote:
 good guess.....but no
4. katpedro wrote:
5. pingutux123 wrote:
6. katpedro wrote:
7. lipstick8610 wrote:
 all good guesses, but still no
8. lipstick8610 wrote:
 heres a clue: if u stand really close to it, u can here it tik every second
9. pingutux123 wrote:
 a clock!!
10. lipstick8610 wrote:
11. lipstick8610 wrote:
 i'll make ur prize