created on 02 Aug 10

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Comments on this picture (12):
1. polenta wrote:
 Thanks to all TDers for your pics and greetings. They cheered up my day when being 61 isn't that easy! LOL
2. danila wrote:
 your first time 61!!!lol!!
3. suzze wrote:
 Shhhh.... your 29 and counting, that what my mother says!
4. Lizzi wrote:
 Beat wishes for a very good year!!
5. Lizzi wrote:
 BEST wishes, that should be. (In your picture you look a little younger.)
6. katpedro wrote:
 Nice age Polenta.
7. clorophilla wrote:
 I imagine you as a teen... your pics are so fresh and alive, so you are 61 times young!
8. clorophilla wrote:
 and... I read you are intrigued by lexical issues: I too! so here is an adding present for you: www.onelook.com www.wordrefer
ence.com www.foreignword.com
9. Normal wrote:
 You are THE cutest 61 year old! (And it's a wonderful age, I remember it well.) 1
10. mekeys wrote:
 Just wait till your 80 like me..you have a long ways to go..Your doing great..
11. gimzer wrote:
 Thank YOU for all your encouragement!
12. Login wrote:
 Thank you for all your delightful drawings.