Title: Having a Ball
created on 28 Jul 10

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Comments on this picture (8):
1. indigo wrote:
 LOL! Good for you...nice ball! MusicJo, what's a jumble sale? :)
2. MusicJo wrote:
 It is a fund raising event usually held in a community hall or school. Tables are put out round the room, piled high with a jumble of unfolded clothes that people have given, there is usually a table of second hand books, toys and other donated stuff. The
3. MusicJo wrote:
 They are usually on Sat morning. You pay 20p to enter. There are loads of people jostling to get a bargain for just a few pence. Tea and home made cakes as well. It's really good fun.
4. indigo wrote:
 Sounds like a lot of fun and very much like some church sales that I've been to. Homemade baked goods are the best!
5. MusicJo wrote:
 Yes. I almost never bake any more. Too many years of making packed lunches! I much prefer to buy what the experts make.
6. Lizzi wrote:
 I think we call that a Rummage Sale. Youhave to do a lot of rummaging through the piles. Your ball is nice; the playing field looks a little challenging.
7. Login wrote:
 ... the playing field is mined?!
8. MusicJo wrote:
 That's the ball I am having so it's mine, with slight allusion to the Hollywood sign...I spend far too much time alone lol.

User: MusicJo

Profile Picture for MusicJo

Date joined: 25 Jul 2010

Number of pictures: 20

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