created on 25 Jul 10

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Comments on this picture (13):
1. Lizzi wrote:
 She's wonderful. The nosiest woman I have ever seen, but-she knows how to carry herself! The only surprizing thing about Polenta is that she has no end of surprizes.
2. mebu27 wrote:
 love this look!
3. DilCoura wrote:
  miss Julia está muito elegante!
4. hjjr wrote:
 i agree with Lizzi
5. Lizzi wrote:
 My Girasol was made and named after bedtime...I think I was tired..Should have called her Lunasol??
6. Normal wrote:
 Lovely outfit on Julia!
7. 56rosie wrote:
 Love the attitude!!
8. gimzer wrote:
 so cool!
9. nasonaso wrote:
10. Hazer wrote:
 She's cute!
11. pollyesther wrote:
 She's darling!!
12. mdawrcn wrote:
13. Angela wrote: