Title: lady with umbrella DAMA CON PARAGUAS
created on 24 Jul 10

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Comments on this picture (11):
1. danila wrote:
 sophisticated lady...
2. hanging wrote:
 I like the coordinated hat, coat and glove.
3. clorophilla wrote:
 your pics have a tactile feature, like tapestry, I love them!
4. Lizzi wrote:
 Looking so disgusted that the weather is trying to interfere with her perfect coiffure and ensemble!! So good.
5. Normal wrote:
 Another lovely one!
6. Shanley wrote:
 nice pic
7. nasonaso wrote:
 very good pic. ,,love your coloring style
8. suzze wrote:
 Love it!
9. uwillfly2001 wrote:
 Lovely. Very intriguing
10. indigo wrote:
11. GingerNinja wrote: