Title: pink is for girls, blue is for boys
created on 24 Jul 10

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Comments on this picture (11):
1. Lizzi wrote:
 A captivating design- but I don't see any blue...you're new baby is a girl? We got this silly tradition from a society that valued little boys much more than little girls,so, baby boys were dressed in blue for the extra protection of good luck that this w
2. Lizzi wrote:
 was supposed to bring them.Inadvertantly admitting that girls are stronger than boys! Pink Rules!!!
3. pollyesther wrote:
 Lovely pink design. ty for your comment, a big compliment from you...you are wonderful with color.
4. nasonaso wrote:
 can I vote ?!!!!!!!
5. katpedro wrote:
 This is so nice.
6. danila wrote:
 nice and cheerful...
7. 12donuts wrote:
 BLUE and pink are MY favorite colors!
8. Shanley wrote:
 what a beautiful blend of colors!
9. Burgandy wrote:
 'see what happens when you "Think Pink". Great!
10. indigo wrote:
 Very lovely design!
11. Babyangel2000 wrote:
 i love blue! it my favorite colour!