Title: truly yours....
created on 22 Jul 10

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Comments on this picture (11):
1. arty wrote:
 Hi polenta. Any time, but just afraid it lands on one of the skyscrapers! Such a pretty one you have drawn here. Reminds me of the wool we used to wind over four nails to produce a colourful snake. Can't rememeber what it was called
2. Hazer wrote:
 Fun pic...reminds me of the same thing.
3. clorophilla wrote:
 festone? ghirlanda? In Italian of course... nice thing, Polenta!
4. katpedro wrote:
 Good one.
5. indigo wrote:
 Very nice and I use to have that tool (tube like with nails) too. You could make carpets.
6. mum23 wrote:
 Here we call it French Knitting. I doubt that's what the French call it!! LOL Nice effect, polenta!
7. Doug wrote:
 polenta: You really have any eye for earthy colors. I love you pics.
8. Lizzi wrote:
 Spool knitting. That's exactly what thought when I saw it. Placemats and potholders. This is way more artistic than any of our creations. Your colours are so well-placed.
9. hanging wrote:
 nice n' warm. I like it.
10. skynyrd wrote:
 It is fun to look at, Your knitting is great.
11. sheftali52 wrote:
 A real eye-catcher!