Title: Playing with candy again (>)
created on 13 Jul 10

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Comments on this picture (12):
1. danila wrote:
2. mekeys wrote:
 Thanks danila..I made a list of the colors that i used to go around the outside edge..I went around it 31 times.I thought it would play longer ,,oh well..
3. pinkie wrote:
 Again well done!
4. danila wrote:
 it's long enough, hard work,entertaining, vivacious...
5. nasonaso wrote:
 wonderful colour system
6. mdawrcn wrote:
 Amazing! A lot of work!
7. mekeys wrote:
 Thanks for all your comments..
8. skynyrd wrote:
 Really do enjoy these, nice work.
9. suzytron wrote:
 Beautiful job mekeys-I guess this is why candy is bad for you..
10. mekeys wrote:
 Thanks suzytron..
11. Doug wrote:
 Another great animation Mel!
12. mekeys wrote:
 Thanks Doug..