Title: Oriental city CIUDAD ORIENTAL
created on 05 Jul 10

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Comments on this picture (13):
1. ramcha_72 wrote:
 Amazing picture!
2. jshundo wrote:
 Beautiful! I love the texture!
3. pinklady wrote:
 Beautiful picture!Neat idea.
4. mekeys wrote:
 I really like your style of pictures..Very nice..
5. nasonaso wrote:
 I was think to draw a mosque ,,,you did it very good
6. sheftali52 wrote:
 Very picturesque!
7. Shanley wrote:
 muy bonito!hasta tiene el aire de las ciudades orientales (no solamente la arquitectura). muy buena idea de utilizar el blanco :)
8. mum23 wrote:
 Wonderful... gorgeous texture, so appropriate to the subject! Love it!
9. hjjr wrote:
 love this pic. . .
10. indigo wrote:
 Beautiful...love the texture!
11. mdawrcn wrote:
 Very nice!
12. solange62 wrote:
 Nicely done polenta!
13. Normal wrote:
 Lovely! Looks like it's worked in fabrics and stitchery.