Title: The plane's waiting. Where to??
created on 04 Jul 10

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Comments on this picture (13):
1. pinkie wrote:
 Airports can be so confusing! Well done.
2. Babyangel2000 wrote:
 this is excellent! this is me wen i went 2 the airport! i was like ahhhhhhh the planes leaving! they only opened the gates 1min ago!! (tht was true, the plane was like an hour late, so they had 2 leave early! and it opened gates then said please hurry, ga
3. Babyangel2000 wrote:
 tes closing! aahh) good job!
4. mum23 wrote:
 Great pic, polenta!
5. gimzer wrote:
 As long as you bring CHOCOLATE!
6. nasonaso wrote:
 very very good
7. mekeys wrote:
 You have done a lot of great pictures lately Keep em coming..
8. sheftali52 wrote:
 well done
9. LivelyUp wrote:
 or maybe just up for an adventure! My suitcase is packed, where shall we go??
10. Login wrote:
 Ooo, yes ... where are you going.
11. Lizzi wrote:
 Right! We are going to Hawaii, so you can leave the scarf at home. Love your pic!
12. Shanley wrote:
 anywhere please!
13. danila wrote: