Title: dreaming in the sea SOÑANDO EN EL MAR
created on 03 Jul 10

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Comments on this picture (13):
1. lilalee wrote:
 Ooooooo, wake up cutie!!
2. Login wrote:
 Wake up ... you're going to ruin that pretty dress.
3. clorophilla wrote:
 No, don't... keep dreaming, it seems a very beautiful dream!
4. DilCoura wrote:
 Voce é imbatível!!!!!
5. skynyrd wrote:
 Wake up or You will ruin Your lipstick.
6. Shanley wrote:
 lol lilalee
7. nasonaso wrote:
8. LivelyUp wrote:
 "dream a little dream for me..."
9. pollyesther wrote:
 Ahh, so relaxing! love the way you show the dress and hair under water. Her expression is dreamy
10. ramcha_72 wrote:
 looks like she's enjoying her dream.....what is she dreaming about? can i know about that?
11. indigo wrote:
 lol skynyrd! Ditto polly!
12. danila wrote:
 Sweet dreams!!!
13. Daddyslittlegirl24 wrote:
 Thats what i call perfection!