Title: Waiter, you forgot the grated cheese!!!
created on 28 Jun 10

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Comments on this picture (11):
1. polenta wrote:
 I think I'll need a second plate. This one is too small.
2. bhughes wrote:
 very cute
3. indigo wrote:
 ;]...good one polenta! I do think you need to share...LOL!
4. danila wrote:
5. mdawrcn wrote:
6. Normal wrote:
7. Archangelina wrote:
 Heeheehehee. this brightened my day!
8. pinkie wrote:
 Interesting idea!
9. Login wrote:
 It's there ... underneath the cherries and strawberries, madam.
10. Login wrote:
 Only joking ... it looks like a delicious pasta, just crying out for Parmesan.
11. LivelyUp wrote:
 heh heh! :)