Title: oh....
created on 27 Jun 10

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Comments on this picture (6):
1. polenta wrote:
 I'm so sorry our referee didn't validate England's goal. Here they say the linesman made the mistake. So sorry...
2. Login wrote:
 Don't worry about it, polenta. A ridiculous FIFA rule that does not let the proof from the playback change the original decision. Germany outplayed us anyway ... well done to Germany.
3. DilCoura wrote:
 Nãe Não desanime, um dia a FIFA acerta.
4. Login wrote:
 Today the President of FIFA admitted he was wrong to deny World Cup officials the technical aid of replaying disputed decisions on the big screen, and to allow them to correct or stand by their decisio. The FIFA boss's job is presumably safe but the Urugu
5. Login wrote:
 ... Uruguayan referee and two more Uruguayan officials were 'sent home'. That is grossly unfair.
6. Login wrote:
 polenta, please translate DilCoura's comment.