Title: A tribute to.....
created on 26 Jun 10

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Comments on this picture (8):
1. polenta wrote:
 Thank God Uruguay won but the Koreans played well and it was not a piece of cake for us. I thank our boys... and you can't believe what's happening here. It's a party in the streets including fireworks, etc.
2. pinkie wrote:
 Congratulations to Uruguay.
3. matthew wrote:
 great match... now if USA can come back against Ghana... Then we can play together :)
4. matthew wrote:
 OMG!!! I think I am forgetting to breath... Going to extended time... then to penalty shots if necessary... Inhale, Exhale, Repeat... Inhale, Exhale, Repeat...
5. matthew wrote:
 Good luck in the rest Ghana... (I will now be rooting for Uruguay)...
6. indigo wrote:
7. kyung wrote:
 Bright future for Korea team! They were great!!
8. Login wrote:
 Good luck in the next round, Uraguay.