Title: Hmm..Its a road less traveled.
created on 21 Jun 10

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Comments on this picture (6):
1. Pretend wrote:
 a bit more red on that left horizon... bummer.
2. Pretend wrote:
 actually the horizon could use a complete make over. Constructive criticism on everything is welcome!!
3. LivelyUp wrote:
 welcome to TD. It's fun to experiment & see what the different effects can do, isn't it? ...have fun!
4. LivelyUp wrote:
 ...on this pic, it took me awhile to find the focus. ...in your other pics, it's apparent.
5. Pretend wrote:
 I agree, towards the middle, before the whitening layer went on everything, the colors and texture popped more in focus where as now everything is blurred. But yes, it is fun to experiment. Cheers
6. Shanley wrote:
 love this

User: Pretend

Profile Picture for Pretend

Date joined: 19 Jun 2010

Number of pictures: 9

Has a picture in:
 Top 5 June 10