Title: something far away...
created on 18 Jun 10

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Comments on this picture (12):
1. indigo wrote:
 I love it! It's so good! Sadly my favs are full.
2. polenta wrote:
 like the universe....
3. indigo wrote:
 Or it could be three friends out on a starry night with the glow of a campfire(?) behind them.... ;]
4. nasonaso wrote:
 beauty& sadness I can feel it but only you have the meaning
5. suzytron wrote:
 wow danila this is So good!
6. Shanley wrote:
7. sheftali52 wrote:
 definitely mysterious
8. mum23 wrote:
 Powerful and intriguing...
9. Dragon wrote:
 This is cool, looks like an album cover.
10. FEATHERHAWK wrote:
11. clorophilla wrote:
 this is pure feeling
12. Hazer wrote:
 Wonderful pic!