Title: jewels JOYAS
created on 16 Jun 10

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Comments on this picture (8):
1. matthew wrote:
 Looks like a fancy thong with matching earrings :)
2. nasonaso wrote:
 ditto matthew
3. Hazer wrote:
 ...reading first 2 comments and hazer just shakes her head...just ignore those two rascals, polenta...the jewelery is beautiful. lol
4. skynyrd wrote:
 I am sure they would look absolutly adorable on You Polenta.
5. indigo wrote:
 Wow! Beautiful!!
6. polenta wrote:
 well, a fancy thong is a jewel, isn't it? LOL
7. danila wrote:
 "ETHNIC JEWEL" aal right..can I have them? They just match with some of my tailleurs...
8. gimzer wrote:
 Perfect for my LBD