Title: Let's sit and talk about it.
created on 12 Jun 10

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Comments on this picture (17):
1. skynyrd wrote:
 ok. You cooking pasta tonite? Love what You did with the background ,beautiful!
2. bhughes wrote:
 draw me sitting on one of these chairs if your cooking pasta tonight!! :)
3. nasonaso wrote:
 I love to ,,,,,very nice
4. gimzer wrote:
 What a nice place to sit!
5. artdillon wrote:
 there are four or five true artists on t.d.whom i would consider to have true artistic ability.ie,being able to produce art through improvisation rather than copying as this piece proves,well done.
6. katpedro wrote:
7. mum23 wrote:
 Ooh polenta... you are so creative!! Love this!!
 great job well done
9. pinkie wrote:
 Nice room.
10. danila wrote:
11. DilCoura wrote:
 Nem quero sentar nessas gracinhas para não estragar.Amei!!!!!!!!
12. Login wrote:
 Well polenta, it's like this .............. Quite apart from that, your sitting room is divine and the view from your windows is wonderful. Of course we are in Uraquay and ...................... By the way, the pasta was delicious. Thank you so much for
13. Login wrote:
 inviting us and I did enjoy our chat.
14. mekeys wrote:
 Nicely done..
15. mekeys wrote:
16. methinks wrote:
 What a beautiful spot for a visit!
17. mdawrcn wrote:
 Missed this before. Really like it.