Title: happy
created on 11 Jun 10

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Comments on this picture (18):
1. indigo wrote:
 I'm happy you're happy! SO good danila...it truly is a happy expression! Can't help but smile... :)
2. Angela wrote:
 I LOVE it!
3. mdawrcn wrote:
4. methinks wrote:
 This is wonderful!
5. clorophilla wrote:
 love it!
 Fantastic pic n job danila
7. mum23 wrote:
 Such an infectious smile!!
8. mekeys wrote:
 I like the B & W with the red lips..
9. pinkie wrote:
 Happy...like the hair!
10. nasonaso wrote:
 wow perfect
11. Normal wrote:
 Certainly is! Love the way you did this.
12. tamara62 wrote:
13. polenta wrote:
 great avatars picture
14. Krystenkuhn wrote:
 Looking at it makes ME happy!!
15. chiefem10 wrote:
 Oh I love this!!! Very creative!!! I love how the smile is red but the rest is black and white. Great job!
16. kicker wrote:
 Great job! My first thought was what is she looking at up there that makes her so happy.
17. baby wrote:
18. skynyrd wrote: