Title: me cook pasta!!!!
created on 10 Jun 10

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Comments on this picture (17):
1. polenta wrote:
 later me eat pasta
2. polenta wrote:
 then me wash the dishes
3. kyung wrote:
 then me watch TV
4. Angela wrote:
5. Lizzi wrote:
 Cute. I bet it's good - me like pasta. Any left over?
6. gimzer wrote:
 me eat leftover pasta at 3am
7. mekeys wrote:
 save some for me..Cute picture..
8. mum23 wrote:
 Pasta not mind if you cook him?! Yum, me like pasta, too!
9. clorophilla wrote:
 Me too - every day as we live in Italy! Be careful to don't put in tha pasta until the wather is boiling, adding the salt in the water, and don't cook it too much - generally 7-8 minutes is enough! :-)
10. kernowman wrote:
 like this super job..
11. Login wrote:
 Yay! I'll be right over.
12. danila wrote:
 me too Polenta..pls. to be "al dente"..
13. polenta wrote:
 Everybody invited. Pasta al dente..............
14. katpedro wrote:
 Me love it 2.
15. indigo wrote:
 Sadly it is the morning after the pasta....and I missed the party. I'm sure polenta is a good cook! LOL mum! ;] Cute pic polenta!
16. FEATHERHAWK wrote:
 great job polenta
17. 12donuts wrote:
 FUNNY COMMENTS!Then me cook more pasta and eat and cook and eat and cook and eat!!!