Title: Gothic Landscape
created on 08 Jun 10

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Comments on this picture (21):
1. Normal wrote:
2. sheftali52 wrote:
 Great moon in this landscape!!
3. indigo wrote:
 Very NICE! It's been awhile since you did one of these.
4. mekeys wrote:
 Thanks indigo..Actually I just did one on the 4th of june..Before that it has been a long time..
5. pollyesther wrote:
 Beautiful, well done!
6. lalitha wrote:
 beautiful,and diff version in gothic design
7. nasonaso wrote:
 great and very beauty
8. TaylorXoxo wrote:
 Thats really pretty!
9. mekeys wrote:
 Thanks for all the comments..
10. Qsilv wrote:
 This one's a bit stronger than the other landscape... not sure why. (I happen to love the other's trees.) Probably the brightness of the stars... mmm also that's really a perfect moon... clever glow around it!
11. mekeys wrote:
 Qsilv thanks for your comment..The trees in the other pic did not look as good as I wanted,will keep trying to do a better tree..
12. danila wrote:
 beautiful..Love your new GD landscapes..
13. mekeys wrote:
 Thanks danila..
14. Login wrote:
 Fantastic night sky.
15. mekeys wrote:
 Thanks Login..
16. hxxhxx wrote:
 great idea
17. methinks wrote:
 Very powerful!
18. suzytron wrote:
 a beauty!
19. mekeys wrote:
 Thanks again for all your comments..
20. hjjr wrote:
 ditto danila
21. mekeys wrote:
 Thanks hjjr..