Title: POCHA
created on 01 Jun 10

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Comments on this picture (11):
1. matthew wrote:
 Looks like Joseph with is coat of many colors :)...
2. mum23 wrote:
 Your style is unique... I picked it immediately as one of yours, but each picture is unique and different, too! I love what you do!
3. nasonaso wrote:
 nice coulor & nice background
4. five wrote:
 great use of the color
 good job polenta
6. danila wrote:
 great pic. lovely effect and colors..
7. danila wrote:
 Thanks Polenta for your so sweet, kind comments on my pic.s...thanks
8. kyung wrote:
 Love this! What is 'POCHA'?
9. polenta wrote:
 Pocha is a nickname here, maybe a little old-fashioned now.
10. pollyesther wrote:
 ditto mum23! love the colors!
11. Lizzi wrote:
 You use the paintbox in such different ways. You are a teacher on Td.