Title: GD final draft
created on 30 May 10

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Comments on this picture (12):
1. indigo wrote:
 Ah, I knew it was you! ;] Good Night Mel.
2. mrozowski wrote:
 Superb result.
3. mekeys wrote:
4. mekeys wrote:
 Thanks mrozowski..
5. Hazer wrote:
 These B & W's are great. See you tomorrow.
6. suzytron wrote:
 can't wait for next masterpiece
7. mekeys wrote:
 Thanks again..
8. Sarahad524 wrote:
 wow simple but amazing!
9. polenta wrote:
 it's your never-ending skill for gothic. Incredible!!!
10. danila wrote:
 ah..that's it..ands absolutely not simple..hard job..beautiful..
11. Sarahad524 wrote:
 im not talkin bout hard to make but how the pic looks
12. mekeys wrote:
 Thanks for all your comments..These take a lot of time ,but playback is fun to watch..