Title: a drop UNA GOTA
created on 24 May 10

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Comments on this picture (8):
1. golehto wrote:
 art :) great job ;)
2. Chinky wrote:
 Nice. :]
3. clorophilla wrote:
 very interesting
4. indigo wrote:
5. danila wrote:
6. surekha wrote:
 Hi polenta! Thank you for the comments on my portrait.Well,we call the dot on our forehead by several names like Bindi,Kumkum... made up of red turmeric. It is a must for married women in Hindu religion. Even unmarried girls sport a dot.But now a days thi
7. surekha wrote:
 now a days things are changing and girls don't like to put. Go to google search for "why indian girls put bindi" you get plenty of explanations...
8. debray wrote:
 You have very interesting art!! Love this!