Title: My Piano
created on 24 May 10

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Comments on this picture (13):
1. Shakea13 wrote:
 This is fly!!!
2. polenta wrote:
3. GingerNinja wrote:
 Thanks everyone...The piano is not seriously purple and pink though...Its wood...I wish it were those colours!
4. TalkingCookie wrote:
 this is awesome bestest buddy keep up the good work !
5. Normal wrote:
 Handsome design - hope you practice every day!
6. gimzer wrote:
7. smurfette wrote:
 cool pic
8. sheftali52 wrote:
 Well done!
9. mum23 wrote:
 Excellent! Very creative use of Gothic!
10. loudclaw wrote:
 interesting, though i wouldn't usually take inspiration from a piano.
11. indigo wrote:
 Clever use of pieces! Well done!! Piano my favorite instrument (I don't play) I listen to all kinds of piano music.
12. GingerNinja wrote:
 I just learned how to play the Doctor Who theme song, and Matt Smith's theme song for Doctor Who, on piano! hahaha ;)
13. geckogirl56 wrote:
 ha ha waaaaaaaaaaay betta than mine! :-) awesome! :-)