Title: Step 4 in making eye of the tiger
created on 23 Nov 08

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Comments on this picture (8):
1. matthew wrote:
 I actually used smaller flowers durring these steps, but since I knew I was going to be repeating myself... I wanted to finish each step MUCH quicker than the real pic...
2. matthew wrote:
 the brown flowers are used to outline the eye... the next step is to cover up the brown flowers with white daiseys, leaving just a sliver of the brown showing...
3. matthew wrote:
 We will continue our little class later... but I must shower before work or folks will complain when I arrive smelling like this.
4. autumn wrote:
 oh thank God, maybe I can get my dishes done, I can't seem to walk away and not check the gallery long enough to do them
5. matthew wrote:
6. nancylee wrote:
 Thank you for doing all of this matthew!
7. nannakay wrote:
 This is very nice of you. Thank you.
8. Moose wrote:
 Are you just sitting around for my fairy pics? And what's with the no comments on the blue flower fairy (See page two of my pics.) :-)