Title: could be... but I want them in black!!!
created on 20 May 10

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Comments on this picture (15):
1. marky wrote:
 these might suit ok if you were doin moulon rouge.! Lol
2. indigo wrote:
 Sexy boots!
3. malini wrote:
4. Baldur wrote:
 podría ser ..... pero yo los quiero en negro?
5. sheftali52 wrote:
 I kinda like them in red!
6. Login wrote:
 Go on, be bold ... take the red ones.
7. golehto wrote:
 cool :) love it
8. mum23 wrote:
 They look like they were made for walkin'... excellent!
9. Normal wrote:
 But your personality can handle the red ones - go ahead!
10. katpedro wrote:
 Love the red ones.
11. Shanley wrote:
12. Baldur wrote:
 polenta, I used google.com for the translation.
13. Baldur wrote:
 I studied Spanish in school but was terrible at it.
14. danila wrote:
15. svjeka wrote:
 Ha, ha!