Title: responsability RESPONSABILIDAD
created on 17 May 10

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Comments on this picture (15):
1. artdillon wrote:
 nice use of negative space
2. Hazer wrote:
 Good pic and title, polenta!
3. golehto wrote:
 very good one :)
4. mum23 wrote:
 Wonderful pic, polenta!
5. sheftali52 wrote:
 nice one
6. indigo wrote:
7. brigsis wrote:
 Polenta, I made a nicknames thread!
8. danila wrote:
9. clorophilla wrote:
 very interisting theme, Polenta!
10. brigsis wrote:
 Congrats on your 1257 pic!
11. skynyrd wrote:
12. belladonnis wrote:
 This picture and title is so interesting to me! Is it a pic of a woman doctor or of someone with their mouth bound so they cannot speak? It has really caught my eye!
13. polenta wrote:
 surgeon or surgeon's assistant.
14. belladonnis wrote:
15. Shanley wrote:
 ditto Belladonnis & Artdillon!