Title: 10th Doctor's Sonic Screwdriver
created on 15 May 10

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Comments on this picture (7):
1. badooney wrote:
 I am so jealous of your ThinkDraw skills.
2. GingerNinja wrote:
 hehe...I'll take that as a compliment :)
3. brigsis wrote:
 I thought that the end of the new doctors sonic screwdriver was green? I might be wrong though...???
4. tunatovah50 wrote:
 Last night's episode was ehhhhhpic!!! And so is this picture!
5. GingerNinja wrote:
 brigis, this is the 10th Doctor's screwdriver (David Tennant) which is blue. The 11th Doctor's screwdriver is green (Matt Smith). :)
6. brigsis wrote:
 You know, David Tennant played a role in Harry Potter and the goblet of fire. Isn't that awesome?
7. GingerNinja wrote:
 Yeah I know, I memorized that part of the movie...hahaha I can recite the whole first HP movie too!