Title: the naughty blonde LA RUBIA TRAVIESA
created on 13 May 10

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Comments on this picture (10):
1. indigo wrote:
 Nice glasses and nice smile!
2. Normal wrote:
 Really cool glasses! Fun face!
3. spam wrote:
 Must get a pair like that so cool.
4. Hazer wrote:
 Good one polenta!
5. nasonaso wrote:
 she can see very well,,,,,,,fantastic
6. sheftali52 wrote:
 Wonderful lips
7. svjeka wrote:
 She is pretty!
8. Bahar wrote:
 Great, esp lips
9. Shanley wrote:
 very original work, Polenta! a bit bizarre, yet so cool!
10. danila wrote:
 Bizarre..but surely Funny Lady..well done..