Title: comfort COMODIDAD
created on 11 May 10

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Comments on this picture (10):
1. polenta wrote:
 sorry, should've been COMFORT
2. danila wrote:
 She looks comfortable...
3. debray wrote:
 Luxurious and beautiful..and in my favorite color!!
4. indigo wrote:
 Ditto debray...but I would order mine in blue ;]
5. katpedro wrote:
 Lovely as usual. I will like a moss green
6. pinkie wrote:
 Good blend of colours.
7. svjeka wrote:
 Nice couch
8. skynyrd wrote:
 Resting peacefully, nice
9. Shanley wrote:
 oh...where's my couch when i need it?..
10. DilCoura wrote:
 polenta,não tenho mais adjetivos para elogiar seu trabalho.Parabens!