Title: the traveler LA VIAJERA
created on 05 May 10

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Comments on this picture (14):
1. katpedro wrote:
 Sexy chic.
2. spam wrote:
 A classy lady.
3. Vals wrote:
 Sharp looking woman!
4. mekeys wrote:
 Great title and picture..
5. marg wrote:
 Brilliant picture, polenta - and how I hate people who drag their small cases along like that - especially in queues & getting on to 'planes - what's wrong with carrying them ?
6. kyung wrote:
 She looks fashionable!
7. DilCoura wrote:
 Polenta,voce realmente é uma artista.Adorei.
8. Shanley wrote:
 OH....carrying anything is so much of an effort. Let's forget the luggage, some people gave up carrying their own thoughts.(Not that I'd have some politicians in mind ...which i totally do, lol). Great pic Polenta!
9. danila wrote:
10. bhughes wrote:
 Adorable.I love this pic. It reminds me of a drawing I did of a lady walking her poodle. great job.
11. pinkie wrote:
 Figure very well drawn.
12. marky wrote:
 very good figure and cute! great stuff polenta.
13. Login wrote:
 She's got style and doesn't she look comfortable.
14. indigo wrote:
 LOL Shanley! Another polenta original...Bravo! ;]