Title: Surreal Journey
created on 27 Apr 10

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Comments on this picture (11):
1. stevedover1965 wrote:
 This represents the journey through life of an individual represented using surrealistic art.
2. debray wrote:
 very interesting..Love it!
3. stevedover1965 wrote:
 A bit wacky
4. stevedover1965 wrote:
 No jokes about cubism
5. debray wrote:
 On your comments on my pic...Sounds wonderful...Summer goes by so quickly!
6. Normal wrote:
 Oh drat! NO cubist jokes. Nice bumpy road of life!
7. clorophilla wrote:
 Very interesting and moving!
8. Shanley wrote:
 nice subject and pic. thank you for adding it to the challenge
9. Qsilv wrote:
 my own instant reaction was "Sisyphus!" tho how he turned into a transparent cube rolling a decidedly _small_ pink ball inside himself rather than a huge rock ahead of himself may take some 'splaining ;>
10. stevedover1965 wrote:
 the ball represents the inner self, the glass walls the shell or fascade we create which can be fragile, the dark side and the light side represent choices and the bumpy road uphill road the struggle through life.
11. Tracy123 wrote: