Title: Tribute to Mark Twain (died April 1910)
created on 23 Apr 10

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Comments on this picture (5):
1. polenta wrote:
 I've been listening to a radio program something reminding us of the extraordinary Mark Twain and that he died 100 years ago. I've listened to some of his witty remarks..... and I had the idea of drawing a pic in his honor.
2. indigo wrote:
 Very nice! I also enjoy Mark Twain.
3. debray wrote:
 Good old "Samuel Clemens"...Didn't he predict the day he would die? My favorite short story of his."Canibals on Boxcars"...Hillarious!
4. polenta wrote:
 YES, maybe, something about the Hailey comet???
5. ferretkiss wrote:
 debray: i've looked up that story to read - is it "Cannibalism In The Cars" in English? I'm reading that one. Let me know.